Filers Receiving Supplemental Security will automatically get an Economic Impact Payment.
When Treasury Secretary Stephen Mnuchin announced the Economic Impact Payments, filers had questions about qualifying for and receiving the payment. The IRS has repeatedly explained that most taxpayers will automatically receive an EIP, while also acknowledging that a subset of non-filers will need to provide some qualifying information.
Following yesterday’s announcement, the group of non-filers who will automatically receive an EIP now includes Supplemental Security Income beneficiaries. As with previous additions to the “automatic payment category,” the IRS said this move was made possible by interagency cooperation.
How much money will SSI beneficiaries get in their Economic Impact Payment?
“SSI recipients will receive a $1,200 Economic Impact Payment with no further action needed on their part,” the IRS assured in the Wednesday release. While that covers individual SSI recipients, those with dependents under 17 will need to provide the IRS with more information to qualify for an additional $500 payment.
The IRS suggests using the Non-Filers: Enter Payment Info Here tool to make sure qualifying dependents are claimed. Unfortunately, SSI beneficiaries with dependents who wait to send the IRS this information will have their additional $500 payment delayed.
How will SSI beneficiaries receive their Economic Impact Payment?
SSI recipients will receive their Economic Impact Payment via the method they have chosen for their SSI benefits. However, the IRS clarifies that the payment will not come from the Social Security Administration, noting that “recipients will generally receive the automatic payments by direct deposit, Direct Express debit card, or by paper check.”
Important: SSI beneficiaries receiving their EIP via Direct Express debit card who claim a qualifying dependent will need to follow a special set of instructions from the IRS, which the agency says will be published soon.
Check out previous Taxing Subjects blogs about the Economic Impact Payments:
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Source: IR-2020-73